So if Saturday (minus the Pier to Cove win) was a passive day, Sunday was an active day. Headed to Spanish Landing for a quick course preview for SDIT with some triathlon club people. I tried out "race pace" up Cannon and through the base...and it felt alright! I'm so used to riding the course as a group ride, so it was fun to get out and push it! New big LITTLE thing? Small Chain Ring. Embracing It.
Hurried home to make it to Coronado for some lessons with the guys. Mark, Lou and Steve have been rocking it lately. Staying relaxed in front of their coach seems to be an issue. I think they get a little nervous, especially when thinking of the 100 tid bits of information I have. Which I realize is my issue...TMI. I have a wealth of technique tweaking comments and sometimes it's hard to hold back. I'm working on it. big LITTLE thing? Improvement. Major.
Again, hurried home to go for a run. What? Yeah, a run. I asked Chris Teague what he was planning on for a run today and he said 90 min ez. like 10 min mile pace. Sweet! I'll tag along, take a stretching break mid-way (on spanish landing), and finish up with him. Ended up doing 7 miles at 9:30 pace. Slow huh? Yes, but that's what I needed. And I'm actually okay with it, mentally. Because I know physically that's all I can handle. Just getting some time on my legs, preparing for what the 10k this weekend will be like. big LITTLE thing? New Running Partner. oh yeah, Stretching.
Sunday evening was awesome. Banister got back from epic ride and we (+Katrina and Chris) headed to the cove. A great sunset 1/4 mile swim with a great friend. Tender Greens afterwards where we met up with Bethany, her Chris, and Kevin (-Banister). Yum as usual. big LITTLE things? Dropping the Wetsuit. It's SUMMER! Steak. Medium Rare.
This week has moved along. Monday I got out early from work and made it to the La Jolla Shores swim...finally! A really fun core group of us got it done, swimming the 2 miles to the cove and back, so I could make it to the JCC in time for coaching. This really fun core group is joining me on the crazy 10 mile swim around Point Loma. Quoting Nikee, "Yeah 10.Mile.Swim.Around.Point.Loma!" hehe. It's on. August 16th. Probably mid-morning to hit the tides right. We are still lining up paddleboarders/kayakers, so if interested, let me know! Big finishers party/going away party at the park or my house for Mary and Chris Roots who are leaving us! big LITTLE thing? Anne Cleveland. Double English Channel crossing accomplishment. Countless long distance open water swims. She knows what's going on and we are lucky to have her input into our own craziness. (This is another walk in the park for her.) Tuesday was the Moment ride and I felt great. Got a massage (free!) from my friend Amy after work...amazing. Wednesday was busy again, with the 10k time trial at Coastal and a lesson with Brian in the morning, and JCC coaching at night. Today was the Moment ride (feeling strong and ready for SDIT), and I'm currently trying to figure out a way to leave early tonight to make it to the Aquathlon, at least for the food. Tomorrow I'm sure I'll do a double cove swim day, Saturday I'm working the expo passing out timing chips, and Sunday is Race Day! Anne also invited me to do some "laps" in the cove...i.e. 8 miles. We'll see how the race goes to see if I jump in for a couple. big LITTLE thing? I'm Happy.
Happy belated fathers day, dad. I love you. big LITTLE thing? your email.
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