Last Tuesday in MN they had a "blizzard". Really it was the first major snow. People forget how to drive in said snow, and therefore traffic is miserable. I moved away for a reason. Yet...
Last Monday in San Diego we had a major rain storm. It doesn't get cold enough to snow, but this wind/rain/storm causes San Diegan's to also forget how to drive. That and all the oil buildups that rarely get washed down (into the ocean) tend to add to the craziness. Thank goodness my commute isn't on major roads.
Anyway, winter is here. And there. And now that I live here, cold to me has changed. Say, a 40 degree shift in weakness. Training has been a little like this: most horrible... I track my training on Garmin Connect which allows me to write a little about each workout and name it, so I can look back and easily remember. Monday was "most horrible run ever" and Tuesday was "most horrible GWL." My coach noticed a theme.
Monday (Dec 7th) was supposed to be a long run. The day dragged on, and I kept putting it off. Finally I managed to step on the treadmill at the Y at 8:57pm. For a 7 mile run. I made it. Yuck, and it was one of those most horrible workouts. But it was done.
Tuesday was the GWL. It didn't get above 45. It was low 40s most of the ride and I had to get in 60 miles, which means turning right instead of left at Descanso. Hot chocolate saved my life. (My tongue was burned for 3 days). No knee warmers, no gloves...and I work at a bike shop. Oops. Another most horrible, done, and in the books.
Tuesday afternoon I took my car into the shop for some much needed maintenance. Which turned into a major expense. What a most horrible experience. Merry Christmas Jack. The experience wasn't all that bad, after all Robert's Auto in PB really takes care of us Tri Clubbers. Thank goodness. But alas, no one likes to spend money on their car, especially during Christmas.
Really, could my week get any worse? No, things will change. So I had a solo track workout on Wednesday at Point Loma Nazarine Track. What a beautiful place, on a beautiful (crisp) morning. Finally, an upswing. But, not so fast.
Wednesday was a pretty horrible day at work, but worse, I got a disturbing call from my doctor. Thursday was a chilly ride, joining the Moment crew again...which I've missed lately. However, I was more prepared for the elements this time. I wish I would've known that was my last time to really "ride" for a while. I went to a specialist on Thursday and found out I needed surgery. Friday. Going under. anesthesia. I had some pre-cancerous cells that needed to be taken care of or they'd probably (80% chance) turn bad if I didn't. My body failed me. again. What a most horrible week.
Having a network of great family and friends to care for me really means the world. My mom was scared for me thousands of miles away, so I didn't have to be. My roommates were there to console me when Kyle was out to sea. Kyle was there to take me to surgery and pick me up. Erin was there to bring me soup, and the girls took me to get a pedicure on Saturday. My coach has been more encouraging than anyone could ask for. Things will get better. They always do.
So training has been put on hold. I'm supposed to be on limited activity for 6 weeks, but I'm able to get back at it soon. I road my bike for the first time yesterday, very slowly. I got in the water to teach a lesson this morning. I think I'll go for my first jog this weekend. I'm down, but I'm not out. I've been behind again with blogging. I still have to report about my Thanksgiving trip home (hopefully before Christmas), a wedding, and a very happy Holiday Christmas party. Here I am shaking the pasta salad I made.
Oh my gosh..sorry to hear this. Glad you're doing okay. Thinking of you.
Wow, I didn't know about your surgery. So glad you are on the mend. You've got plenty of time. By the way, you are a full on legend for sticking to your plan when you were freezing. Rumor has it the rest of your gang was hoping to bail at the turn. You wouldn't quit so they didn't either. Rumor also has it, that training while freezing is your super secret training plan..
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