I just cried for 8 min straight. I have the best of friends, near and mostly far, who created a little video. These nine ladies {and their babies} have impacted my life in a way that can't be made in a day, week, or year. These women have given me the strength, smiles and memories that have truly transcended time. I am forever thankful for their friendship, kind and beautiful words, and encouragement. To keep on keeping on.
Missy said it best with her song, and one of our favorite {on repeat WAY too many times} - Sway by Bic Runga from 1997!:
And there's no cure, and no way to be sure
Why everything's turned inside out
Instilling so much doubt
It makes me so tired - I feel so uninspired
My head is battling with my heart
My logic has been torn apart
And now it all turns sour
Come sweeten every afternoon
I can't remember the last time I heard this song. And now, actually listening to the lyrics, it's just all to perfect for the feelings I've had for the latter part of this year. I do feel so uninspired. Yet, with the words of these nine women, I've had a fire lit in my heart. So, to each of you, from the bottom of my heart, Thank You.
Seester Megan! |
Ah my sister. There is no one like you and no one better to call my only sister. You've taught me way more in life than any little sister should have to, as you've had much of your life experiences before I. We may not always be on the same team, but we'll always be family. It's an odd experience to grow up with someone who is your greatest competitor but the only one I'd want in the lane next to me, because either way, we both win. You are a gorgeous woman and the mother I could never be.
GRHS buddies - Kelly, Brenna, Jaime and Heidi |
You ladies gave me the drive and motivation to be a better, faster, stronger girl starting in elementary school when I met all of you on the YMCA swim team. You put up with my spazzy-ness, my OCD, my wishes at 11:11, and antics. You were my teammates, best friends, and girls who stood up for me. Kelly, you are determined and caring, strong and soft. I've never met anyone such an amazing switch from competitor to friend. Brenna, you were most like me, crazy, fun and different. We didn't fit into the regular box of normal high school and I had a blast being your sidekick. Jaime, you are too pretty to be our friend. I love that you and Brenna were discussing joining the lane 2 crew again, "what lane was it?" You were always someone I looked up to (literally as well) and I'm glad you showed me what college was like before college. :) Heidi, thank you for putting this together. I always tried to match your craftiness, and I know I never will. Your love and intensity for others is unmatched. Even though distance has separated us, you all hold a special place in my heart and to hear that back from each of you means the world to me.
The Pink Ladies |
The ladies of 821 South 25th St. You entered my life in 2002 and will never leave. The memories we've shared only continue to grow, even as we move farther apart.
Missy {miss-e-poo} |
From the day I met you in the summer of 2002, like the creepiness of internet dating for the first time {I think we overloaded either other's email inboxes every week that summer}, I knew it was meant to be. Destiny {or Mavi's alphabetical by first name roommate matching}. You were the college roommate everyone wishes they had. You were forced into our friendship and I'll forever be grateful. Your love and support through so many thick and thin times goes unmatched. You are amazing.
Katie (KT) |
Katie you are my comic relief, yet you've always given it to me straight. You are bold, strong and amazing. Thanks for allowing me to invade your personal space with "puppy" - I know you miss it.
Kayley (KK) |
Kayley, the wind beneath my wings (kidding, and I thought it'd make you laugh). I am a cyclops because of you. Also a Krachel, Krach, Grodo, Krach-e-pants and way too many other hilarious pet names. Your antics are well matched to mine. Your son's message was too cute. :)
Kari |
Car. E. {ah, mavi is hilarious with his name pronunciations} You are my dancing queen, always willing to go out with me when everyone else wanted to study. You are a gorgeous women, inside and out, and bring light to anyone's day. I cried the hardest at your message. Your kindness and heartfelt words mean more than you know.
Phew - that was a lot of memories packed into one small post in time. You all are amazing women and without you I wouldn't be the person I am today. Smiling. Grateful. Motivated. Inspired.
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